Where is the prostate?

The prostate is a small gland situated between the bladder and the urethra. The urethra is a tube in the penis through which you urinate. The urine has to pass through the prostate after it leaves the bladder. Under normal circumstances, urine passes through the prostate, into the urethra, and exits the body.

The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. Its most important function is the production of a fluid, that together with sperm cells from the testicles, makes up semen.

The muscles of a healthy prostate forces the semen into the urethra so that it can release during ejaculation.

How prostate disease may result in erectile dysfunction

Unfortunately, there are circumstances that may cause the prostate to enlarge. This narrows the urethra pipe, slowing the flow of urine. Often not allowing the bladder to empty properly. This may result in a perpetual feeling that you still need to urinate.

This is known as benign growth of the prostate, or BPH. It has the potential to compromise erections, and affect fertility.

Prostatitis which is an infection of the prostate is often caused by a sexually transmitted disease. This condition results in severe burning when urinating. It can cause more frequent urination, painful ejaculation, fever and chills. In addition, it can result in erectile dysfunction.

Prostatitis can definitely interfere with sexual pleasure. With symptoms of painful ejaculation, and the constant feeling of wanting to urinate.

These unpleasant sensations can lead directly to ED, as a sexual encounter with such issues hanging over your head, can leave you embarrassed with no anticipation of enjoyable sex.

Treatment from the doctor to will generally include a lengthy period of antibiotic medications to deal with the infected prostate gland.

Studies have shown that it can take several weeks for the infection to clear up. Once the infection clears up it will eliminate a blockage in the urethra, so that the feeling of wanting to urinate eases.

Medications which may help prostate-related ED

Research indicates that certain medications such as Viagra and Cialis may help to improve a benign prostate growth (BPH). They also help combat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

These meds promote the blood flow to the genital area, and especially the penis. The theory is that the increased blood flow to the bladder and the prostate, allows the muscles to relax. This will lead to a greater urinary flow. When there is less pressure on the urethra, and more blood in the penile area, ED symptoms may be successfully reduced.

The study results also indicated positive improvement in men who had both BPH and ED conditions.

A definite link
According to new research, there is a definite link between prostate disease and ED. The conclusion is that men who have prostate problems, as well as ED or other sexual difficulties, are not imagining the issues. The two are undoubtedly related.

A new analysis has now revealed, that sexual function can be negatively affected by prostatitis. Even in men who do not have the usual urinary difficulties.

Your first action if you suspect prostate issues, must be to visit your health professional for a thorough exam.

We can help

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