How to protect yourself from erectile dysfunction (ED) issues

A man is considered to have ED if he regularly has difficulty getting and maintaining an erection firm enough to complete the sexual act. This will be a grave concern if a satisfactory sexual performance has been impossible to achieve for some time.

Studies have revealed that ED is better understood these days, and that there are several treatments available which have resulted in much success for distressed men.

Causes of erectile dysfunction vary, and they may include some medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, some medications, hormone imbalance, and a possible disorder of the blood vessels or nerves supplying the penis.

If you are otherwise healthy and have no underlying medical conditions, as well as none, or only moderate, erectile issues, there are steps you can take to ensure that ED never takes a hold on your sexuality.

You can lower your risk of landing up with erectile dysfunction

Research has shown that the most common cause of ED is a lack of good blood flow to the penis.

A normal erection depends on increased blood going to the penis via the arteries, and a decrease in blood leaving the penis. Problems with the inflow and outflow of blood from the penis is a major cause of ED.

High cholesterol and a poor diet clogs up the arteries, causes inflammation, and affects the entire body. A poor diet is sadly lacking in vitamins and minerals, especially the life-giving vitamin B12. Extensive research at the Harvard medical School in the US, revealed that a deficiency of B12 is closely linked to ED.

Some of the symptoms include poor sexual performance, low sex drive, fatigue, anxiety, and circulatory problems.

How vitamin B12 can help keep your sexuality up to scratch

  • B12 is the most vital of the B group needed for the production of healthy red blood cells, which are important for sexual health
  • This vitamin is also known to help dissolve fats which accumulate along the blood vessel walls (cholesterol) and impede circulation, especially to the extremities, including the penis
  • B12 has the ability to reduce inflammation in the body, as well as the blood vessels leading to the penis, thus contributing to a good blood flow
  • Vitamin B12 plays a major role in protecting the nerve ending of the nervous system. A deficiency of B12 may lead to nerve damage of the extremity nerves in the fingers, toes, bladder, and particularly the male sex organ. A serious lack of sensation in those areas has the potential to occur

Vitamin B12 has proved itself to be a powerful, natural way to help prevent ED symptoms from developing, and greatly assist reducing any symptoms you may have.

How to get vitamin B12 into your system

If the blood flow to the penis is inadequate, you run the risk of damaging the erectile tissue, which may be difficult to put right.

Here are the best sources of this all-natural ED remedy:

  • Eggs, cheese, and lean red meat
  • Milk, and milk products such as yogurt
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • All kinds of fish, including fatty fish like tuna and salmon
  • Shellfish
  • Chicken and other poultry

Experts also recommend that if you find it difficult to get all you need from your diet, a natural supplement is a good option to keep your levels up.

We can help

Low vitamin B12 levels may be the reason you are having symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Your sex life may be at a low ebb – but we can help to reduce the feelings of a low libido.

Herbal Remedies International have taken some of the most potent herbal ingredients and developed a formula to help combat low libido in both men and women. Our products are all natural, safe to take, and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

When used as directed, unbelievable results can be achieved.

Visit us at to view our exceptional range of products and see how we can help you.